How to Get Rid of Pacifier: A Comprehensive Guide

A toddler holding a pacifier and a stuffed animal, looking thoughtful
Pacifiers are a common soothing tool for infants and toddlers, providing comfort and helping with self-soothing. However, there comes a time when it is necessary to wean your child off the pacifier. This process can be challenging, but with the right strategies and a bit of patience, you can help your child transition smoothly. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of the pacifier.

Understanding the Importance of Weaning Off the Pacifier

Benefits of Pacifiers

Pacifiers offer several benefits, especially during the early months of a child’s life:

  1. Soothing Effect: Pacifiers can help calm a fussy baby and reduce crying time​ (Mom Loves Best)​​ (Parents)​.
  2. SIDS Prevention: Some studies suggest that pacifiers may reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by helping keep the airway open during sleep​ (Parents)​.
  3. Preterm Babies: For preemies, pacifiers can promote faster weight gain and better oral-motor function​ (Parents)​.

Downsides of Prolonged Pacifier Use

Despite their benefits, prolonged pacifier use can lead to several issues:

  1. Dental Problems: Extended use of pacifiers can cause dental malocclusions and misalignment of teeth​ (Parents)​.
  2. Ear Infections: There is a higher risk of ear infections in children who use pacifiers frequently​ (Parents)​.
  3. Speech Delays: Excessive pacifier use can impact speech development as it may discourage verbal communication​ (The Bump)​.

Strategies for Weaning Off the Pacifier

1. Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial when starting the weaning process. Avoid starting during periods of stress or major changes such as moving homes, starting daycare, or the arrival of a new sibling. Ideally, begin when your child is calm and there are no significant disruptions in their routine​ (Cleveland Clinic)​​ (The Bump)​.

2. Gradual Reduction

Gradually reduce pacifier use rather than stopping abruptly:

  • Daytime Only: Start by restricting pacifier use to home only, then to specific times like naptime and bedtime​ (Mom Loves Best)​.
  • Naptime and Bedtime: Once your child is comfortable without a pacifier during the day, begin phasing it out during naptime and finally bedtime.

3. Introduce a Transitional Object

Provide a substitute for the pacifier such as a stuffed animal, blanket, or another comforting object. This transitional object can help your child feel secure and manage their emotions without the pacifier​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

4. Create a New Bedtime Routine

Establish a calming bedtime routine that helps your child relax without needing the pacifier. This could include activities like a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. Consistency is key to making this new routine effective​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

5. Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward your child when they choose not to use the pacifier. Simple rewards like stickers, extra playtime, or a favorite snack can motivate them to stick with the new routine. Avoid negative reinforcement or punishment as this can create stress and lead to regression​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

6. Make the Pacifier Less Appealing

Some parents find success in making the pacifier less desirable. This could involve dipping it in white vinegar or lemon juice. The unpleasant taste may discourage your child from wanting it​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

7. Plan a Farewell Ceremony

Create a special event where your child says goodbye to their pacifier. This could be a small ceremony where they throw the pacifier away, give it to the “Pacifier Fairy,” or exchange it for a new toy. This can provide closure and make the transition feel like a positive step forward​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

Handling Challenges During Weaning

Dealing with Resistance

Expect some resistance and fussiness as your child adjusts to life without a pacifier. Be patient and consistent. It’s important to stand your ground and avoid giving in during moments of weakness. Remember, this is a temporary phase, and your child will adapt with time​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

Providing Comfort

During this transition, ensure that you are providing plenty of comfort and attention to your child. Hold them, talk to them, and reassure them that they are safe and loved. This emotional support is crucial for helping them through this change​ (Mom Loves Best)​.

Nighttime Challenges

Nighttime can be the most difficult part of the weaning process. Ensure your child’s sleep environment is conducive to comfort and relaxation. You might need to spend extra time soothing them to sleep during the initial phase of weaning. Be consistent with the new bedtime routine, and gradually they will adjust to falling asleep without the pacifier​ (Mom Loves Best)​​ (The Bump)​.


Weaning your child off a pacifier is a significant milestone that requires patience, consistency, and understanding. By following these strategies and providing emotional support, you can help your child transition smoothly and develop healthier habits. Remember, every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Be flexible and adjust your approach based on your child’s needs and responses.

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By utilizing these strategies and understanding the nuances of pacifier weaning, you can ensure a smoother transition for your child. Keep in mind that the journey requires patience and persistence, but with the right approach, your child will successfully move past their reliance on the pacifier.


  1. Cleveland Clinic – Tips to Wean Your Child From Pacifiers​ (Cleveland Clinic)
  2. Mom Loves Best – How to Wean Off Pacifiers: 7 Simple Steps​ (Mom Loves Best)
  3. Nationwide Children’s Hospital – Pacifiers: When to Stop Using Them​ (Nationwide Children’s)
  4. – How to Wean Your Baby Off Pacifiers​ (Parents)
  5. The Bump – Pacifier Weaning: When & How to Get Rid of the Pacifier​ (The Bump)

#PacifierWeaning #StopPacifier #ToddlerTips #ParentingHacks #ChildDevelopment

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